Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Memorial Day

Saturday, May 23, 2009
Lily's preschool Graduation
On to the next stage of your life Lilybug.
I can't believe she is 5, and going to kindergarten already. WOW, how fast time passes.

Ms. Amy and Ms. Sherry do such a great job! Lily loved them both sooooo much.
I'm excited that Macy will be going to Ms. Amy next year... she goes above and beyond on everything for those kids. Truly amazing!
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Labels: Baby Fashion, Babylegs, Free Giveaway, La Bebe Boutique
Friday, May 15, 2009
MacyMae Giveaway... Almost over!

The deadline is almost here!
Don't miss out on a free set of MacyMae Clippies, the clippie with a grippie. You have until Saturday, May 16th at midnight to enter the contest.
Make sure you enter the contest by clicking on the button above. You must leave a comment with your favorite MacyMae set to be eligible to win. You can also get "extra" entries. Read details for more information.

Thursday, May 14, 2009
Macy's Tinkerfairy Birthday
All the little girlies dressed up as fairy's and princess's and had "pixie dust" put on their cheekies as they came in to the party... it was a sight to see!
You can also have a tutu "customized" for a special occasion or just to make to your exact specifications.
(I just had to give my "shout out" to LaBebeBoutique.com and MacyMae.com)
Friday, May 1, 2009
No Slippy Baby Clippies Giveaway!
MacyMae Clippies are the "must-have" accessory for any little girl, teen, and mom! They are so innovative with a modern, classic style which we love.

MacyMae Clippies is offering a FREE set of clippies to not just one, but TWO lucky Passion~Baby~Fashion reader. Being new, we are hoping to get more readers involved... so pass this along- it will help you win!

Contest ends at midnight on 5/16.
Labels: Baby, Giveaway, MacyMae Clippies, No slip Clippies
Monday, April 27, 2009
Hi everyone! I just wanted to quickly update all of you on La Bebe's current special:
All Funky Bums T-shirts are on sale this week. Normally $26, down to $18 through May 3rd.
These T's are so fun, funky, and cool. They are such a nice change from your normal baby blue/teddy bear look for boys! I personally chose to add Funky Bums to our line at LA Bebe Boutique because as you all know I have a boy and find it very frustrating to shop for him. I don't like the "cutesy", "animal/character" look for Merrick. I am very picky about what he wears. That is the biggest reason I had to carry this line for boys!
Labels: Baby Boys, Funky Bums, La Bebe Boutique, Toddler Boys
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
La Bebe Sale on Rileyroos
La Bebe Boutique has a new line of shoes... Rileyroos! They are absolutely the cutest, smartest, and most comfortable baby shoes out there. Believe me, I have tried them all! They are so fun and soft. Sizes start at 3 months and go up to 24 months. They do run big though, so they will fit Merrick, for example, until he is about 2 1/2 yrs! Be sure to check our our size chart for more detailed size information.
Merrick loves these shoes. He has 2 pairs of the Sportie Sneakers, in blueberry and tiger, and a pair of the Dakota sandals, in ocean blue. Read my blog review on Rileyroos HERE.All Rileyroos are now on sale at La Bebe Boutique. 20% off any and all pairs of Rileyroos now through Wednesday, April 22nd.
You don't want to pass this one up... TRUST ME!
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Bye Bye Camera!
Well, that is when the unfortunate event happened. I ran out my 10th time to get my camera, hopped back into my sequioa, and BAM! The camera fell out of my hands onto the concrete in the garage. So bye, bye Canon Powershot... =(
I am sad...
But, I have to say... a little excited!
A REAL slr camera... the Canon Rebel! I'm sure Danny doesn't like this... but I think it may be a blessing in disguise! =) lol.
So, I sure hope to get this soon... as I am addicted to taking pictures and I already feel lost knowing I don't have access to a camera if I need it!
It was funny because at the party my Dad mentioned to Danny and I to take the camera into a camera shop. His words... "they can fix this easily, don't worry Kati"...
Me thinking to myself "uhhh... shhh Dad!!! I don't want it fixed... I want an SLR!!!"
Hee, hee! I'll keep you posted.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
I always love Sundays. It seems like life is crazy and I can't catch a breath all week long, and then it's Sunday. I love that it's a day Danny is home, and we have nothing else to do but spend time together.
Today was one fun Sunday. Lily and Macy have designed their own "podium" where they get up and bear their testimonies and give talks. It is sooo cute! After a few times of watching his sister's do this, Merrick decided to get up and bear his testimony. Then he gives Lily kisses and runs from her laughing so cute. Check out this video clip if you want to hear what he has to say.
So I am no longer working from home doing office work for the pest control company. It has only been a week since I've been done and I just have to say, it's been heaven! I wake up in the morning and only have to think about my 3 kids, what they need, and what needs to be done in the house. No more phones ringing all day long, and feeling like I'm going to have a nervous break down!
So~ I have made some new goals and have a whole new outlook on being a "stay at home" mom. I want to cherish every moment with them and never want them to feel like a burden. They are my main focus. They are MY LIFE. So we may not have extra money anymore... but we will make it through. We always have! Somehow, even when the numbers don't add up, Heavenly Father has always made up the difference when it seems like it won't work. I have testimony of this. It is comforting to know that he has promised certain blessings when you obey certain commandments.
Of course I am still running La Bebe Boutique and Macymae Clippies and loving it! This is something I can do on my own time, when my kids are sleeping, or when Danny is home. I also have had to face the fact that I may not have a huge business at this point in my life. Being a mom of 3 little ones, with a husband who works very long hours... it's almost impossible! Again, I am ok with this. I love what I do and that is why I started it. So I will continue to enjoy having a baby boutique, designing Macymae Clippies, and letting it be what it is.
I am grateful for many things in my life. Today I feel especially grateful for some very good friends I have in my ward. They are such a great example to me. I learn so much from each of them and admire each of them for their own individual strengths. I have never had a group of friends that I can laugh and cry with in the same conversation. We have a blast together and I even have many times I feel the spirit during our discussions. They truly lift me up and make me want to be a better person. Thank you girlies!
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Project Pink
Here are a few pictures of Traci, Shanon, and I at
Project Pink! It was such a blast and so much fun
to see it all come together. I was thrilled to introduce
Macy Mae Clippies there, and I had a great response.
Next year I hope you all come!!! Yeah for PINK!
Above you can see Traci's AMAZING backdrop...
that girl never fails to impress me!
(Just love my sign!!! Thanks Traci.)